The Children's room!
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I love Butterflies!

This is Cheetel. She is a 4 year old cheetah! Isn't she just cute!

I love reading

And this is Cheetel's new older sister, Belgris. She is a smart 8 year old. She's part lepard and part snow tiger. I'm hip! I'm cool! I'm really advenertous!> This is Leona. She's a Thunderian Lion</p></font><font color=

I found these three lovelies at Alluro's Adamante Orphanage This is Tet'Huk'Men. He is another orphan. I found him at the Sons And Daughters Demon Orphanage. This Orphanage isn't officially open, but I sort of convinced them to let me get him now. Belgris and Cheetel where adopted on Hek'Bumbku'Aboila'Set. This is also known as November 15. In the year det'yak'dty Or 2001. Leona and Tet'Huk'Men where adopted on Hek'Membku'Adejumo'Setgo (Decebmer 13. It is the same year!

Hello! I'm Belgris. This is the room made for my sister, Cheetel, and my self!

We were orphans at Mr. Alluro's Adamante Orphanage until we were both adopted by Mr. Mumm-Ra.

Hello, I am Cheetel. I love Mr. Mumm-Ra bacause he is my new daddy. He is really really nice to Belgris and me. He let us look at all of our friends in the big thing with grape juice water

Daddy took us shopping on 1st Earth Today, Nov 29, 2001. He disguised himself as a human and took us to a store called "S-Mart". There he got Cheetel a doll and a doll house shaped like home. And he got me these neat sun shades!

Highway Patrol

Oh snd today now here's my newest outfit. It's a new red jumpsuit--very similar to my blue one. I'm gonna get my green one later this week! Red jumpsuit

Our room was visited


times as of November 15, 2001 4:00 p.m Eastern

This page was last updated March 23, 2003--Come on back next Saturday to see how much we've changed!!